Energy Saving Grants | Government Grants for Energy Efficiency

Who Can Get an LPG Boiler Grant in 2024?

The UK government understands that keeping your home warm shouldn’t break the bank. That’s why they’re taking big steps to help homeowners move away from costly LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) boilers to more wallet-friendly options like heat pumps by 2035. The goal is clear: to keep your home cosy without the worry of rising fuel prices.

Think of it as switching from a petrol-guzzling car to a fuel-efficient one – it’s all about saving you money on your bills in the long run. And there’s more good news: the government is offering a helping hand with grants and financial incentives to make this switch smoother and more affordable.

By moving away from the unpredictable costs of LPG, you’re not just keeping your home warm affordably; you’re also doing your bit for the planet. So, it’s a win-win: you save money, and you help create a cleaner future for the next generation. The government’s plan is all about giving you a more secure, cost-effective way to heat your home, keeping you comfortable without the financial stress.

Say Goodbye to the LPG Boiler Grant. Welcome to the Era of Heat Pumps!

Think of heat pumps as a smart swap for your old LPG boiler. They keep your home warm, help save money on energy bills, and are better for the Earth. Plus, when you add Solar PV panels, heat pumps become even more amazing. They use sunlight to work, which means you rely less on energy companies. Imagine having a home that’s cosy, doesn’t cost much to heat, and is almost independent from the main power grid!

Why Heat Pumps are a Great Choice:

Switching from an oil boiler to a heat pump isn’t just a simple change – it’s a big step towards a cleaner and more efficient way of heating your home. Here’s why heat pumps are a great option:

  • Super Efficient: Heat pumps are really good at their job. They move heat from outside to inside, making them way more efficient than boilers that burn oil.
  • Good for the Planet: Heat pumps don’t produce the harmful emissions that oil boilers do, so they’re much better for the environment.
  • Saves Money in the Long Run: Even though heat pumps can be pricey to install, they save you money over time because they’re so efficient and stable in price compared to oil.
  • Less Trouble, More Reliable: Heat pumps don’t need as much fixing and last longer than oil boilers, saving you hassle and money.
  • Quiet and Clean: Forget about the noise and smell of an oil boiler. Heat pumps are quiet and don’t pollute your home’s air.
  • Help with Costs: Government grants like the ECO and Boiler Upgrade Scheme can help make switching to a heat pump more affordable.
  • Great with Solar Panels: Pair a heat pump with Solar PV panels, and you can use the sun’s energy to power your heating, making your home even more energy-efficient.
  • Ready for the Future: The UK is moving towards cleaner energy, and by getting a heat pump, you’re keeping up with the latest in home energy solutions.

Is Heat Pump Installation a Complex Job?

Installing an Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) is a precise job that needs skilled professionals and careful planning. Here’s what the process usually looks like:


  • Site Survey: Experts inspect your property thoroughly to decide where the ASHP and the pipes should go.
  • Safety Checks: They make sure everything is safe, especially the electrical setup and where the outdoor unit will go.

Removing the Old Oil Boiler

  • The old oil boiler is disconnected and taken away safely, following all the rules for getting rid of the oil tank and any leftover oil.

Installing the Air Source Heat Pump

  • Outdoor Unit Setup: The outdoor part, which pulls heat from the air, is put in place. It might be mounted on a wall or put on a stable base on the ground, with enough space around it for air to flow properly.
  • Setting Up Indoor Parts: Depending on the ASHP type (air-to-water or air-to-air), different indoor parts like a hydrobox, buffer tank, or air handling unit are installed.
  • Pipework and Insulation: Pipes are installed from the outdoor unit to the indoor parts, and they’re well insulated to keep the heat in.
  • Electrical Work: A certified electrician does all the electrical work, making sure it meets all the safety standards.

What Heat Pump Grants Are Available?

The government is keenly focused on making the transition from oil boilers to eco-friendlier heat pumps not just possible, but also affordable for homeowners. To achieve this, they’ve rolled out several grant schemes, each designed to ease the financial burden and encourage energy-efficient upgrades:

  • The ECO Scheme: Consider this scheme as a supportive nudge towards a greener home. It’s here to help make your property more energy-efficient without causing a strain on your finances.
  • The ECO LA Flex Scheme: Don’t worry if you don’t meet the standard criteria for assistance. This scheme is designed to ensure that no one is left in the lurch, offering a flexible approach to support a broader range of homeowners.
  • The Boiler Upgrade Scheme: Find yourself not fitting into the criteria of the other schemes? This one might be your match. It offers a substantial £7500 to help cover the cost of your new heat pump.

It’s not just about heating, though. The government is looking at the bigger picture, offering grants for loft and wall insulation and solar panels as well. It’s a comprehensive approach to not only keep your home warm and cosy but also make it a bastion of energy efficiency and sustainability.

Navigating the ECO4 Scheme

Primarily, the ECO4 Scheme is tailored for private homeowners or those residing in rented accommodations. It’s important to understand that this scheme doesn’t extend to properties under social or council housing. If your home falls into this category, it’s advisable to consult with your landlord or housing association, as they might offer alternative financial assistance options.

To tap into the ECO4 scheme for the installation of an Air Source Heat Pump, your household should include at least one individual who is receiving one of the following benefits or tax credits:

  • Universal Credit: A benefit for people who are on a low income or out of work.
  • Child Tax Credit: Provided to families with children under the age of 17.
  • Working Tax Credit: A benefit given to those who work and have a low income.
  • Housing Benefit: Assistance with rent payments for those on a low income.
  • Income Support: For those who have a low income and meet specific criteria.
  • Pension Credit Savings Credit: Additional money for those who have saved some money towards their retirement, like a pension.
  • Pension Credit Guarantee Credit: Ensures a minimum level of income for those over the State Pension age.
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance (JSA): For those who are unemployed and actively seeking work.
  • Income-related Employment & Support Allowance (ESA): For those who cannot work due to illness or disability.
  • Child Allowance

Meeting these conditions could pave the way to making your home more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly through the support of the ECO4 Scheme.

Expanding Opportunities with the ECO LA Flex Scheme

The ECO LA Flex Scheme represents a significant broadening of the traditional ECO (Energy Company Obligation) framework. Its purpose is to bring the benefits of energy-efficient solutions, such as the installation of Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHPs), to a broader demographic of households.

Local Authorities (LAs) play a pivotal role in this scheme, as they are empowered to identify and assist families who, although they may not meet the standard ECO criteria, are in need of improved energy efficiency in their homes.

Key Features of the ECO LA Flex Scheme:

  • Local Authority Empowerment: LAs are entrusted with the responsibility to craft their own eligibility standards, ensuring that support is customized to address the specific needs and challenges of their communities.
  • Income-Based Inclusion: This scheme is inclusive, extending its reach to cater to households with lower incomes, including those that might not be eligible for the specific benefits outlined in the standard ECO program.
  • Consideration of Vulnerability: LAs are encouraged to consider various factors such as age, health, and the potential risk of fuel poverty when determining eligibility for support.
  • Broad Property Coverage: The scheme is mainly directed at privately owned and rented residences, although it generally does not cover social housing.

The ECO LA Flex Scheme is a testament to the government’s dedication to ensuring that energy-saving measures are not just available but are also tailored to meet the varied needs of communities, making the transition to energy efficiency a realistic and achievable goal for more households.

Next Steps for Homeowners with LPG Boilers

Discover the benefits of switching from your LPG boiler to a heat pump and see if you’re eligible for a grant to make the change smoother and more affordable. Just fill out our straightforward form below. In a few clicks, you could be on your way to replacing your old boiler with a heat pump—a smarter, greener, and more cost-effective heating solution.

At Energy Saving Grants, we specialise in helping homeowners, landlords, and tenants navigate energy efficiency grants. If you’re dealing with the high costs and environmental impact of an LPG boiler, a heat pump could be the perfect solution for you. With our grant checker form below, you can easily find out if you’re eligible for FREE upgrades, not just for heating, but also for insulation, solar panels, and more. Fill it out, and our dedicated grants team will be in touch to guide you through your next steps toward a more energy-efficient and cost-saving home.

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