The Great British Insulation Scheme:
How Does It Work?
The Great British Insulation Scheme
Why Insulate?

The Great British Insulation Scheme: What’s In It For You?
Substantial Savings: Better insulation makes it easier and more affordable to keep your home warm, resulting in reduced energy costs.
Enhanced Comfort: Say goodbye to cold draughts and hello to a cosy home.
Eco-friendly: By insulating your home and reducing energy consumption, you also reduce your carbon footprint and help to combat climate change.

Are You Eligible For The Great British Insulation Scheme?
General Group Criteria
Your home should fall within council tax bands A to D if you’re in England. For those in Scotland and Wales, it’s bands A to E.
Your home should have an EPC rating of D to G. Not sure about your EPC rating? Find your energy certificate if you live in Scotland, or if you live in England or Wales or ask your landlord or housing association for a copy.
If you’re a private renter, your EPC should fall in band D or E.
Low-Income Group Criteria
You should be receiving one or more of the listed qualifying benefits below.
Living in the least efficient social housing.
An EPC rating between D to G.
How Energy Saving Grants Can Help
Qualifying Benefits
More Than Just Another Grants Program
What Types of Insulation Are Available?
Cavity Wall Insulation: Think of this as your home’s winter coat. Insulating the cavity between the internal and external walls reduces heat loss and keeps your home warm and cosy.
Useful Resources
Check Your Eligibility Using Our Grant Checker
Please ensure that all information provided below is 100% accurate. Any errors in your personal information could delay or prevent you qualifying for a government funded grant
Please note that you do not necessarily need to be in receipt of tax credits or benefits as we still may be able to obtain funding for you via your Council or through other funding schemes.