There are thousands of properties in the UK that do not have a central heating system and instead rely on electric heaters or coal and wood fires to heat the home. This may be adequate for some properties such as flats or small houses. However, electric heating is the most expensive form of heating and is not economical for the majority of properties.
A central heating system is a great way to keep your home warm and comfortable throughout the year. If there is not a mains gas supply near your property, then a renewable energy system such as an Air Source Heat Pump is can be a very good option.
There is currently funding available for some properties to receive a grant for a mains gas central heating system to be installed if there is currently a gas line already installed to the property. A Central Heating System install would consist of an A-rated energy efficient boiler with a radiator in each habitable room, plus a room thermostat and thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs) on each radiator, to allow the temperature in each room of the house to be controlled individually.
Alternatively, if there is currently no mains gas connection to the property, then we may be able to help you obtain funding for a Heat Pump central heating system to be installed.
An energy assessment will need to be carried out on your property to establish if your property is suitable and to calculate how much funding will be available.
This funding is based upon how much carbon dioxide will be saved by installing a central heating system within your property. The amount of funding varies and is allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Any grant that you receive does not have to be repaid.
Please contact us on 0330 223 0333 to arrange a free, no-obligation survey of your property, or alternatively you can enter your details in the Call Back box above and we will contact you to discuss your requirements
Check Your Eligibility Using Our Grant Checker
Please ensure that all information provided below is 100% accurate. Any errors in your personal information could delay or prevent you qualifying for a government funded grant
Please note that you do not necessarily need to be in receipt of tax credits or benefits as we still may be able to obtain funding for you via your Council or through other funding schemes.